Wholesale Distribution

Accelerate Innovation with IMA360 in Wholesale Distribution

As the backbone of the supply chain, you play a critical role in bringing suppliers’ products to customers. However, margins can be razor-thin, and navigating revenue generation while safeguarding margins is essential.
With IMA360, you can swiftly respond to market opportunities and risks, driving profitable growth while maintaining a competitive edge in the wholesale distribution industry.

Boost Market Growth with Customer Rebate Solutions

Drive growth and expand market share through targeted customer rebates, including fee for service, compliance, price protection, volume, and growth rebates tailored for channel partners.
Foster brand loyalty by offering customer-focused rebates directly to end customers, nurturing lasting relationships and strengthening brand advocacy.

Streamlined Chargeback Solutions

Efficiently automate the entire chargeback process, from contract management to tracking and approving claims, ensuring prompt payment to channel partners. Effectively manage complex multi-hierarchy GPO/Buying Group memberships for seamless contract management.
Enable a collaborative portal for channel partners to efficiently resolve claim disputes and obtain approvals for contracts, fostering strong partnerships and transparent communication.

Optimized Pricing Solutions

Efficiently build and distribute price catalogs and generate real-time quotes with AI-powered margin analysis.
Maintain a single source of truth for all prices and discounts, seamlessly integrating with ordering systems in real time.
Analyze and establish product prices using multiple pricing strategies, leveraging historical data simulations to determine the optimal price.

Supplier Rebate Strategies

Negotiate with confidence and maximize income by securing rebates from suppliers, including fee for service, compliance, price protection, volume, and growth incentives. Strengthen your supplier relationships while ensuring your business’s financial success through strategic and efficient rebate negotiations.

Automated Sales Commissions

Efficiently automate sales commissions for your outside sales agents, streamlining the process and ensuring accuracy.
Calculate and promptly pay sales commissions to your employees based on both direct and indirect sales, fostering motivation and performance excellence within your sales team.

Profit Optimization Strategy

Maximize profits by optimizing pricing, promotions, and incentives. Analyze profitability in real time with the ability to drill down at any level for data-driven insights.
Leverage AI-driven sales forecasts to generate accurate demand predictions and use them to model pricing, promotions, and incentives effectively.

Compatible With Most ERP Solutions including