Food & Beverage

Exceed customer expectations and make them happy to be your business partner with IMA360

Consumer demands are evolving, and volatile demand, dynamic pricing, channel complexity, and new distribution models are making it difficult to drive positive growth. In response, with IMA360, you can optimize your pricing and promotions with complete visibility.

Customer Rebate

Drive growth and increase your market share with customer rebates like Fee For Service, Compliance, Price Protection, and Volume/Growth rebates targeted towards channel partners. In addition, build brand loyalty with rebates focused on end customers.

Ship & Debit

Automate the entire process, from contract management to tracking and approving claims, ensuring swift payment to channel partners. Efficiently manage complex multi-hierarchy GPO/Buying Group memberships for contract administration. Enable a collaborative portal for channel partners to resolve claim disputes and gain approvals for contracts.


Efficiently build and distribute price catalogs and generate real-time quotes with AI-powered margin analysis.
Maintain a single source of truth for all prices and discounts, seamlessly integrating with ordering systems in real time.
Analyze and establish product prices using multiple pricing strategies, leveraging historical data simulations to determine the optimal price.


Optimize and oversee the entire life cycle of consumer-focused promotions, executed by retail partners or e-commerce partners.
Efficiently allocate funds, track expenditures, and closely monitor approvals and performance for marketing programs targeting channel partners.


Free up your focus to innovate by automating royalty processes.
Effortlessly manage the royalties owed for the intellectual property (IP) used in your products.
Automate the collection of royalties owed to you by partners who utilize your IP in their products.

Sales Commissions

Streamline sales commission processes for your outside sales agents with automation.
Efficiently calculate and disburse sales commissions for your employees, considering both direct and indirect sales.

Profit Optimization

Maximize profits by optimizing pricing, promotions, and incentives.
Analyze profitability in real time with the ability to drill down at any level for data-driven insights.
Leverage AI-driven sales forecasts to generate accurate demand predictions and use them to model pricing, promotions, and incentives effectively.

Compatible With Most ERP Solutions including